Tuesday, 1 December 2009

So behind with The Yellow Room and Comp!

Apologies everyone, as I'm still very behind with reading competition entries. I've almost drawn up the shortlisted entries now and hope to announce the top three next week.

I've just heard from Biddles, the printers, that Issue 3 won't be despatched until 7th December. This is a week later than they promised last week. I'm so sorry about this. It's agonising when I said that this issue would be out in October. I just hope subscribers can be patient enough to wait another week or so. It's really not ideal for me to be sending out magazines in December when I have Christmas shopping to do, presents to wrap, cards to write etc etc.

To add insult to injury Needhams are coming to fit new windows and doors next week.

It could be worse.... it could be freezing cold!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Keep warm! Hope the windows go in QUICKLY Jo and shall look forward to reading The YelloW room!