I'm kicking myself for not updating this blog on a more regular basis, because now I have so much to write about!
I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo for the first time this year. Previously I'd always found it a daunting prospect. Now I see it as a kick up the backside to get as many words down as possible in a one month period. As you know from my previous posts, I can plan, make notes, brainstorm to my heart's content without getting very much written. I hope this will change this month.
I'm on Day 2 and have done just over half of the recommended daily word count, which is about 1,700 words. I'm flying by the seat of my pants. I haven't planned a thing. I started with a setting and a character and off I went. The aim is to have the bulk of a novel written by the end of November. For those who don't know, the NaNoWriMo target is 50,000 words. Gulp!
A week or so ago I was planning to write the second in my crime novel series. Then I got so heartily sick of my crime novel while trying to proofread it on holiday in Wales that I decided to write something completely different. For NaNoWriMo I'm writing a contemporary mainstream novel set on Kintyre with a central female character. This gives me much more freedom than the crime novel, and it's fun. I have no idea where the whole thing is going, but it doesn't matter. I'm just immersing myself in the words.
I am writing other things, too. I'm trying to keep on top of my short story writing and plan to look at my crime novel again in a week or so, when I can face it. Maybe I should also aim for a blog post a day?
Another free writing competition
3 days ago
Hooray for NaNo!
See you there?
Penny [aka Lucy May]
Don't over-face yourself by making too many different writing goals per day - NaNo is more than enough!
Good luck.
Good luck - to you, and to everyone else 'enjoying' NaNo - I'm cheering you from the sidelines.
And - I agree with CharmedLassie, if you set yourself impossible goals you're likely to fail and feel rubbish. Take on only what you have time to enjoy!
Hi Jo! I too am trying Nano for the first time this year & am finding 1000 words a day about my limit at the moment. I agree that too many goals can actually be demotivating. I'll be more than happy just to write something towards my nano novel every day - hopefully it will be habit forming! As for 50,000 words... Whatever your realistic goals - Enjoy Nano!
See you on NaNo!
Annie (aka timeshift)
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